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Support our Causes

​How to help

We are a work in progress, a few ways to help is volunteer for our fundraisers, Donate Items, Money or Services.

Things we are working on 

Raising money for Scholarships. Donating Sports equipment to the Girls Softball team at Park Ridge High School (Nikki's Alma Mater)


2015 was our first fundraiser, we held a Beefsteak/TrickyTray at the Park Ridge Elks for over 250 people. What a great turn out we had, we raised enough money to give out 2 scholarships for 2016, money for dugouts and some left over to help with this years fundraiser


Our 2nd fundraiser on 9/9/2016 was a huge success, we had a Casino Night/Tricky Tray @ Biagio's in Paramus, NJ.  We raised enough money to give out 4 $2500 scholarships and have finished and dedicated the DUGOUTS to honor our Nikki


Our 3rd fundraiser 4/20/2018 was another huge success, which was a Casino Night/Tricky Tray at Biagio's in Paramus, NJ.  We raised enough money to give out another 4 $2500 scholarships and donated sports equipment to the Park Ridge HS Softball Team.


We also had a Dine to Donate at Houlihan's in Ramsey, NJ on 10/15/2018.


(see Upcoming Events)

​Latest project


We are currently working on our next Fundraiser. 



2015 The Nikki Franco Foundation Proudly created with

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Find us: 

48 2nd Street, Park Ridge, NJ 07656

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